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Vento Global Group

Strives for a Game Changing solutions in maintenance and operation

Call us now +385 91 522 5553 or send an email info@ventoglobal.com

About Us

Who we are

Vento Global Group (Vento Navis Croatia, CIS-DS Kazakhstan) is  founded by Miroslav Gojak. We in Vento Global Group are passionate about Energy Production & Professional Heavy Mining. We believe that future of those industries lies in drastic improvement of the efficiency in maintenance and extending the lifetime of already installed equipment.


Our Services

What we Offer

Solutions that on a simplest way will achieve rapid payback, serious equipment lifetime extension, big safety and environmental impact, significant production cost reduction.

We offer you a high efficiency (95+%) product with low financial risk since there is no need for one time purchase of the product. You can lease it for a minimum of 6 months and then decide to purchase it, continue with the lease or simply return it with no additional cost. In order to give you the best solution for your problem, please provide us with technical data of your equipment by clicking below.

For gearboxes, hydraulics, pumps and other rotational equipment


For refinery, pipeline and water


Please fill out the Quote Data Sheet and send it to our e-mail address,  or contact us directly to help you fill the Data Sheet and advise about the possibilities.

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Case Studies?

Our magnetic filters and separators have been working successfully since 2001 when the first filtration system was installed. We have satisfied  customers in more than 40 countries around the world working in the oil and gas, mining, commercial and residential building, manufacturing, transportation, food, pharmaceutical, defense, petrochemical, and marine industries.

To find out more please read our case studies.

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If you have any questions or need our special services please contact us.

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